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TSY In House Training #504: Effective OSH Safety Awareness

TSY In House Training #504: Effective OSH Safety Awareness
Training ongoing.

The One-day training on Occupational Safety and Health 1994 is designed for all level of Management and Workers. It is mandatory for Employers to comply with the minimum Legal Occupational Safety and Health Standards and requirements stipulated in this ACT. By understanding and implementing the various provisions of this Act, employers can now initiate their OSH programs to control workplace accidents. Even Safety and Health Committees could be able to carry out their OSH functions effectively by attending this 1-day training.

Course Objectives:

The main objective of OSHA 1994 is to secure the safety, health & welfare of employees at work against any workplace hazard & risk-activities involved. It is the requirement of the employer to ensure that there is an effective system in-place, employee’s participation & continual improvement in the management of OSH. The primary and foremost step is to ensure that general employees are aware and appreciate the benefits.

This training will provide Awareness on Occupational Safety and Health Principles, Hazards at Workplace and Safety programs of OSH as a working culture.

Date: 22th September 2023

Venue: GCEM (M) Sdn Bhd, Juru, Penang

Training Methodology:

The program consists of classroom lectures, experiencing site safety inspection, group discussion workshop and video presentation & PPE demonstration.

Who Should Attend:

All Employees

Maximum headcount: 30 pax

More Training Pictures:

Feel free to contact TSY Consultancy by Call / WhatsApp to +6012-6243921 or email to



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