PivotTable is the most popular and useful tool in Microsoft Excel to summarise and analyse large amount of data. As each newer versions of Excel added more features to it, this 2-day course provides students with the additional knowledge and skills to use the features of PivotTable.
Date: 8th & 9th October 2018
Venue: Jinko Solar Technology Sdn Bhd, Prai, Penang
Course Objectives:
Upon completion of this program, the participants will be able to:
Summarise and Analyse raw data
Consolidate multiple PivotTable
Connect to other External Data Source
Add Formula to enhance report
Create a Dashboard
Create Relationships (Excel 2013 onwards)
Completed Excel Basic Level training or have mastered the following basic skills:
Inserting and Deleting Worksheets, Rows, Columns and Cells.
Perform AutoFill.
Use basic formulas – Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division.
Use basic functions – AutoSum.
Who Should Attend:
This course is intended for users of Microsoft Office Excel who want to learn about the features of Microsoft Office Excel PivotTable.
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