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TSY International Leadership Seminar #2: Constructing The Future Elite

Updated: Jul 12, 2018

TSY International Leadership Seminar #2: Constructing The Future Elite
VIP from Saline Water Conversion Corporation (SWCC), Saudi Arabia attending our Leadership Seminar.

In a number of ways, Japanese leadership styles differ from those in the United States. A number of reasons have been cited for these differences. One of the most common is that Japanese and U.S. managers have a basically different philosophy of managing people.

The Japanese leadership approach is heavily group oriented, paternalistic, and concerned with the employee’s work and personal life. The U.S. leadership approach is almost the opposite.

Date: 17th to 21th September 2017

Venue: Ramada Downtown Hotel, Dubai, UAE

Course Objectives:

There is an ingredient that has made US & Japanese companies thrive and Great. In this seminar, we will delve into the management practices and the subtle culture of the society that has gave them competitive advantage over other companies. We will also be exploring the strengths and weaknesses of these practices and how we should selectively learn from them.

Who Should Attend:

Business Owner, Team Leaders and Managers who want to learn how the leaders from Asia Multinational Companies improve their operations and organizations through the successful application of unique strategies.

TSY International Leadership Seminar #2: Constructing The Future Elite
Introduction given by our professional trainer before the training get started.

Feel free to contact TSY International by Call / WhatsApp to Sunny +6017-4036965 (English) and +6013-2455065 (Arabic) or email to


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